COVID-19 examination

The GENvia laboratory is approved by the State Institute of Public Health (SZÚ) to perform tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA virus, causing the disease COVID-19, by PCR method (permit number: SZU/03164/2020).

The laboratory participates in the proficiency testing system for proof of the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus organized by the State Health Institute (SZÚ) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Examination for the presence of RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by the real-time PCR method is accredited according to the requirements of the ČIA, o.p.s.

The laboratory does not take samples. Material for examination is distributed directly to the laboratory by sampling centers or workplaces authorized to indicate this examination.

Gilbert syndrome is hereditary chronic hyperbilirubinemia without evidence of other liver dysfunction or hemolysis.

The examination is intended to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the highly infectious disease COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). The disease is mainly manifested by fevers, respiratory problems (cough, shortness of breath), muscle pain and fatigue. A more severe course of the disease is observed in older people or patients with other serious diseases. In these individuals, the disease can lead to death. On the other hand, the disease is progressing in a number of infected people asymptomatically.
The examination is based on the detection of viral RNA in the patient’s sample by performing a molecular examination using the real-time PCR method. Examination of the patient will confirm/disprove the currently ongoing disease of COVID-19. The test cannot determine whether the patient has already experienced the disease in the past. The declared sensitivity of the RT-PCR methodology for proving the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA is 50 copies of the virus in the sample. The sensitivity is fundamentally influenced by the sampling method. Therefore, a necessary condition for achieving the declared sensitivity of the test is a correctly performed sampling (the recommended procedure is a nasopharyngeal swab). Je-li jasně indikováno v žádance „ŽÁDANKA S INFORMOVANÝM SOUHLASEM K VYŠETŘENÍ SARS-COV-2″, může být pro účely preventivního screeningového testování využita metoda poolování. When pooling, a decrease in sensitivity may occur for samples with a limited amount of viral genetic material. The result of the test using the pooling method can be further influenced by the quality of the sample taken, which cannot be guaranteed with the use of pooling technology. Nezbytnou podmínkou pro dosažení validního výsledku je správně provedený odběr dle „POSTUP VÝTĚRU Z NOSOHLTANU“ zde prosím odkaz na aktuální verzi formuláře BF190.

However, patients should consult their doctor about the use of medicines. Some medicines cause a further increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. These include, for example, Atazanavir and Indinavir used to treat HIV, Gemfibrozil and statins to lower cholesterol levels, chemotherapy drugs Irinotecan and Nilotinib. A high risk of serious toxic effects (diarrhea, hematological toxicity) has been described. It is recommended to examine these patients before starting treatment.

Temperature ≥ 37.5 °C, dry cough, shortness of breath (if these symptoms cannot be explained otherwise)

Material for examination

For examination, a swab from the nasopharynx (accessible through the nasal cavity) is preferred, where the epithelium with ciliated cells is located. A swab from the middle part of the pharynx (accessible through the oral cavity) can be added as supplementary material to the nasopharyngeal swab. Swabs should be immersed in a tube with liquid viral transport medium. The examination can also be performed from a sample of saliva, sputum, BAL, tracheal aspirate or lavage of the oral cavity and pharynx (gargle).
The time from taking the sample to its acceptance by the laboratory must not exceed 24 hours. Samples can be transported at room temperature.

Date of delivery of the examination result:

The result of the examination is delivered within 48 hours after receiving the sample in the laboratory.

Price: 800 CZK

PCR test results

You can download the result of the laboratory examination here:

(to download the result, it is necessary to proceed according to the offered variants)