
To schedule a consultation with the genetic clinic, to take samples or to perform genetic testing please call one of the following telephone numbers or use following email address:

Genetic ambulance Karlovo Náměstí

Hours of attendance

Monday 08:00-12:00 12:30-14:30
Tuesday 08:00-10:00
Wednesday 08:00-12:00 12:30-16:30
Thursday 08:00-12:00 12:30-16:30


Head doctor: MUDr. Kamila Světnicová
phone: 777 669 470

Note 1: To make an appointment with the doctor in our genetic outpatient clinic, please use preferentially the e-mail, in which will be stated the reason for the consultation, the name and the contact phone number.

Note 2: Before your visit of the outpatient clinic fill out the following questionnaire.

Genetic Clinic "Rajská zahrada"

Hours of attendance

Tuesday 11:00-17:00
Friday 11:00-17:00


Head doctor: MUDr. Kamila Světnicová
phone: 777 669 470

Note 1: To make an appointment with the doctor in our genetic outpatient clinic, please use preferentially the e-mail, in which will be stated the reason for the consultation, the name and the contact phone number.

Note 2: Before your visit of the outpatient clinic fill out the following questionnaire.

Genetic Clinic Olšanská

Hours of attendance

Monday 08:30-14:30 (MUDr. Martin Hynek)
Thursday 08:00-12:00 (MUDr. Dagmar Rašková)
12:30-16:30 (MUDr. Dagmar Rašková)


Head doctor: MUDr. Dagmar Rašková
phone: 724 225 892

Note 1: To make an appointment with the doctor in our genetic outpatient clinic, please use preferentially the e-mail, in which will be stated the reason for the consultation, the name and the contact phone number.

Note 2: Before your visit of the outpatient clinic fill out the following questionnaire.

Genetic Laboratory

Hours of attendance

Monday 07:00-17:00
Tuesday 07:00-17:00
Wednesday 07:00-17:00
Thursday 07:00-17:00
Friday 07:00-17:00


Head of the laboratory: Ing. Renáta Chládová
Deputy head of the laboratory: RNDr. Miroslava Krkavcová
phone: 266 315 592
mobile phone: 773 669 442

Arrangement of date and time of delivery of biological material to the laboratory can be made at this contact address, phone numbers/e-mail.

Identification data

Headquarters: Karlovo náměstí 7, 128 00 Praha 2
Director: RNDr. Miroslava Krkavcová
Managing Director: RNDr. Miroslava Krkavcová
Ing. Martin Krkavec
IČ of the company: 273 91 728
IČZ of the clinic: 02 376 000
IČZ of the laboratory: 02 312 000
Bank details: 51-1053760227/0100
IBAN: CZ08 0100 0000 5110 5376 0227
Account name: GENvia LIMITED
Bank: Komercni banka, a. s., Italska 1219/2, Praha 2, Czech Republic
Financial Accounting department: